i got hit by a boy
i went to the bar tonight
against my will
(ok, nt against my will, but i didnt want to go to this bar)
the bar where the asshole i slept with and his nasty friends go
everything went fine at first
i won 150 bucks on a slot machine
got really drunk
laughed alot
did some dancin
then its time to close the bar
so we all stand outside to finish our drinks
the asshole and his friend are out there
the assholes friend starts to say shit really loudly
about how his friend shouldnt have slept with me
calling me a fat whore
ok, first of all, i am not a whore
and i am just chubby, not fat
second of all
what is it his business?
the girlfriend puills up to pick up the dick
and he doesnt leave
he stands there talking shit about me
loudly so i will hear him
i flick my smoke in his general direction
not for any reason, just to flick it
he gets in my face
(which is beat red because i am outraged)
calls me some name
and he looks like he is going to hit me
so i throw my drink in his face
(because i was going to punch him, but my drink was in my free hand)
he fuckin hit me
he hit me!
ok, i did not deserve to be called names all night
because i didnt say a fuckin word to him or his asshole friend(who by the way couldnt get it up)
and i am way smaller than him
way!!!! smaller
all my guy friends pull him away from me
because he will hit me again
and he fights with them because he really wants to hit me again
so his girlfriend gets out of the car and pulls him into it
i get hugs from my friends
and support because for some reason i think this is my fault
but its not
not at all
so, im rambling, but i just wanted to show you a picture of the two fuckin pricks that have ruined my favorite hang-out
the dick on the right is the one i slept with
the dick on the left is the one who hit me
see either of these pricks
fuck 'em up will you....
btw, i am really not a slut
no matter what i say about one-night stands i really do not sleep around.
i have been with 4 guys in nine months
sure its more than ive been with in six years, but i use protection and i have known every one of them
and he said to me...the only reason you ever get laid is becauee of alcohol...ya, right
the other guys i wasa with didnt have a drop to drink and it was really good sex
i didnt think i was that ugly
or fat, but i guess that drunk guys are always right huh??
i went to the bar tonight
against my will
(ok, nt against my will, but i didnt want to go to this bar)
the bar where the asshole i slept with and his nasty friends go
everything went fine at first
i won 150 bucks on a slot machine
got really drunk
laughed alot
did some dancin
then its time to close the bar
so we all stand outside to finish our drinks
the asshole and his friend are out there
the assholes friend starts to say shit really loudly
about how his friend shouldnt have slept with me
calling me a fat whore
ok, first of all, i am not a whore
and i am just chubby, not fat
second of all
what is it his business?
the girlfriend puills up to pick up the dick
and he doesnt leave
he stands there talking shit about me
loudly so i will hear him
i flick my smoke in his general direction
not for any reason, just to flick it
he gets in my face
(which is beat red because i am outraged)
calls me some name
and he looks like he is going to hit me
so i throw my drink in his face
(because i was going to punch him, but my drink was in my free hand)
he fuckin hit me
he hit me!
ok, i did not deserve to be called names all night
because i didnt say a fuckin word to him or his asshole friend(who by the way couldnt get it up)
and i am way smaller than him
way!!!! smaller
all my guy friends pull him away from me
because he will hit me again
and he fights with them because he really wants to hit me again
so his girlfriend gets out of the car and pulls him into it
i get hugs from my friends
and support because for some reason i think this is my fault
but its not
not at all
so, im rambling, but i just wanted to show you a picture of the two fuckin pricks that have ruined my favorite hang-out
the dick on the right is the one i slept with
the dick on the left is the one who hit me
see either of these pricks
fuck 'em up will you....
btw, i am really not a slut
no matter what i say about one-night stands i really do not sleep around.
i have been with 4 guys in nine months
sure its more than ive been with in six years, but i use protection and i have known every one of them
and he said to me...the only reason you ever get laid is becauee of alcohol...ya, right
the other guys i wasa with didnt have a drop to drink and it was really good sex
i didnt think i was that ugly
or fat, but i guess that drunk guys are always right huh??