Friday, September 15, 2006

post-partom depression

its real people

a family friend
hung herself

4 week old baby
and 1, 6 and 8 year olds
all girls
all forever without their mommy

i could think of so many more important things in my life
than sending hate mail
and back-stabbing

see whats in front of you
before you bury your loved ones
with rope burn
around their neck


Blogger nikki said...

that's right. re-read your own words. and do what YOU hafta do.

oh red I miss you, and in my mind's eye I am keeping you tight. thank you for resurfacing, as I have been so poor in doing.

if I was nearer, you know i'd hold you and wipe your tears. i've always known where you come from.

12:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good one

       .---.       .-----------
      /     \  __ /    ------
      //     \( )/    -----
     //////   '\/ `   ---
    //// / //:    : ---
   // /   / /`    '--
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=Fly to offshore now=

11:39 AM  

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