whats down there
goin fishin
the only place i feel calm
sittin on the sandbar
with my book
my rod resting in the Y-stick
waiting for the tip to bounce
setting the hook
trying to reel 'em in
the struggle is sometimes a challenge
because the fish can grow to be as big as me
getting 'em up to the shore
putting on my gloves
so i dont get stung
ever so gently manuvering the hook out of its mouth
telling him im sorry
for disrupting his day
laying him back in the water
and watching him swim away
to the black depths that scare me
i wonder what they do down there
in that black mucky water
it swirls like a tornado
making us humans scared to go into it
are they at peace?
or do they struggle with their surroundings as we do
on land
is there more down there than meets the eye?
is there love and hate and anxiety and depression
and wars
do they have wars
and a president with his head stuck so far up his ass he doesnt know what side of the river to stay out of
because its none of his business
what do they do for entertainment
watch the seahorses dance
play craps
make love
and are there mermaids
i need to know if theres mermaids
the only place i feel calm
sittin on the sandbar
with my book
my rod resting in the Y-stick
waiting for the tip to bounce
setting the hook
trying to reel 'em in
the struggle is sometimes a challenge
because the fish can grow to be as big as me
getting 'em up to the shore
putting on my gloves
so i dont get stung
ever so gently manuvering the hook out of its mouth
telling him im sorry
for disrupting his day
laying him back in the water
and watching him swim away
to the black depths that scare me
i wonder what they do down there
in that black mucky water
it swirls like a tornado
making us humans scared to go into it
are they at peace?
or do they struggle with their surroundings as we do
on land
is there more down there than meets the eye?
is there love and hate and anxiety and depression
and wars
do they have wars
and a president with his head stuck so far up his ass he doesnt know what side of the river to stay out of
because its none of his business
what do they do for entertainment
watch the seahorses dance
play craps
make love
and are there mermaids
i need to know if theres mermaids